Category Archives: Entries

Daily Dev Blog – Update on Battle Bases

It’s been a long while since I updated this so I figure I’ll do just that.  The Multiplayer has been implemented for the most part and I have moved onto working on the Single Player/Campaign mode.  So what are some … Continue reading

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Daily Dev Blog – Predictive Aim for my Interceptors! So I spent today tackling again what I couldn’t do a month or two ago.  Predictive Aiming!  It was time I solved this problem if I wanted to move forward even more with my progress on the game.  And … Continue reading

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Daily Dev Blog – Player Chat, Fog of War, etc.

I missed a month of Daily Blogging.  To be honest, I’ve been a bit down on luck with the Job Market.  It’s definitely makes me a bit sad…  Anyway, I’ve been coding in Unity for awhile and I enjoy it … Continue reading

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Learning Multiplayer and creating Sprite Assets

Been awhile since I updated this Blog. Figured I’ll check in with what I’ve been up to. After the last Blog, I spent about a week learning and getting used to how to use Mirror Networking for Unity. Then I … Continue reading

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Pivoting to a Metal Marine Inspired Game

Yeah…, drawing all my own cards is way too tedious a task.  From one of the most important lessons I learned from General Assembly, MVP (Minimum Viable Product) was one of those lessons.  So I’ve always had another idea in … Continue reading

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AI References and Speed Paintings

Had a lot of trial and error basically in the last few days testing out a style of art that would be applicable for a card game.  First off, I can’t have a style that’s too detailed or it would … Continue reading

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My decision on AI Art for Game Development…

I finished reviewing the updated Unity C# 2D course by about a day or 2 ago and have moved onto some segments of the Multiplayer course by them as well.  Things were looking up until I had a meetup.  … Continue reading

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AI Art with Stable Diffusion

Outside of fixing my Portfolio and Resume again after General Assembly, I’ve been meaning to get to know what the craze is with AI Art after seeing all these recommended videos on Youtube for the past few months. While I … Continue reading

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Graduation from GA and onwards…

Feels a little different now having graduated from General Assembly, a Coding Bootcamp. Aside from the daily routine of 9 to 5 classroom days, I feel the world is a lot more different as well compared to how it was … Continue reading

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